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// ACBtree.h
// ST4
// Created by Alan Condit on 4/18/11.
// Copyright 2011 Alan Condit. All rights reserved.
typedef enum {
} NodeType;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AMutableDictionary;
#define BTNODESIZE 11
#define BTKeySize 38
#if defined FAILURE
#undef FAILURE
#define FAILURE -1
#if defined SUCCESS
#undef SUCCESS
#define SUCCESS 0
@interface ACBKey : NSObject {
NSInteger recnum; /* record number */
__strong NSString *key; /* key pointer id */
char kstr[BTKeySize]; /* key entry */
@property (assign) NSInteger recnum;
@property (retain) NSString *key;
+ (ACBKey *)newKey;
+ (ACBKey *)newKeyWithKStr:(NSString *)aKey;
- (id) init;
- (id) initWithKStr:(NSString *)aKey;
- (void)dealloc;
- (NSString *) description;
@interface ACBTree : NSObject {
__strong AMutableDictionary *dict; /* The dictionary that this node belongs to */
__strong ACBTree *lnode; /* pointer to left node */
__strong ACBTree *rnode; /* pointer to right node */
__strong ACBKey **keys; /* pointer to keys */
__strong ACBTree **btNodes; /* pointers to btNodes */
__strong ACBKey *keyArray[BTNODESIZE];
__strong ACBTree *btNodeArray[BTNODESIZE];
NSInteger lnodeid; /* nodeid of left node */
NSInteger rnodeid; /* nodeid of right node */
NSInteger nodeid; /* node id */
NSInteger nodeType; /* 1 = node, 2 = leaf, -1 = unused */
NSInteger numkeys; /* number of active entries */
NSInteger numrecs; /* number of records */
NSInteger updtd; /* modified since update flag */
NSInteger keylen; /* length of key */
NSInteger kidx;
@property (retain) AMutableDictionary *dict;
@property (retain) ACBTree *lnode;
@property (retain) ACBTree *rnode;
@property (assign) ACBKey **keys;
@property (assign) ACBTree **btNodes;
@property (assign) NSInteger lnodeid;
@property (assign) NSInteger rnodeid;
@property (assign) NSInteger nodeid;
@property (assign) NSInteger nodeType;
@property (assign) NSInteger numkeys;
@property (assign) NSInteger numrecs;
@property (assign) NSInteger updtd;
@property (assign) NSInteger keylen;
@property (assign) NSInteger kidx;
+ (ACBTree *) newNodeWithDictionary:(AMutableDictionary *)theDict;
- (id)initWithDictionary:(AMutableDictionary *)theDict;
- (void)dealloc;
- (ACBTree *)createnode:(ACBKey *)kp0;
- (ACBTree *)deletekey:(NSString *)dkey;
- (ACBTree *)insertkey:(ACBKey *)ikp value:(id)value;
- (ACBKey *)internaldelete:(ACBKey *)dkp;
- (ACBTree *) internalinsert:(ACBKey *)key value:(id)value split:(NSInteger *)h;
- (ACBTree *) insert:(ACBKey *)key value:(id)value index:(NSInteger)hi split:(NSInteger *)h;
- (NSInteger)delfrmnode:(ACBKey *)ikp;
- (NSInteger)insinnode:(ACBKey *)key value:(id)value;
- (void)mergenode:(NSInteger)i;
- (ACBTree *)splitnode:(NSInteger)idx;
- (ACBTree *)search:(id)key;
- (NSInteger)searchnode:(id)key match:(BOOL)match;
- (void)borrowleft:(NSInteger)i;
- (void)borrowright:(NSInteger)i;
- (void)rotateleft:(NSInteger)j;
- (void)rotateright:(NSInteger)j;
- (NSInteger) keyWalkLeaves;
- (NSInteger) objectWalkLeaves;
- (NSString *) description;