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// ACBTree.m
// ST4
// Created by Alan Condit on 4/18/11.
// Copyright 2011 Alan Condit. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ACBTree.h"
#import "AMutableDictionary.h"
#import "RuntimeException.h"
@class AMutableDictionary;
@implementation ACBKey
static NSInteger RECNUM = 0;
@synthesize recnum;
@synthesize key;
+ (ACBKey *)newKey
return [[ACBKey alloc] init];
+ (ACBKey *)newKeyWithKStr:(NSString *)aKey
return [[ACBKey alloc] initWithKStr:(NSString *)aKey];
- (id) init
self =[super init];
if ( self != nil ) {
recnum = RECNUM++;
return self;
- (id) initWithKStr:(NSString *)aKey
self =[super init];
if ( self != nil ) {
NSInteger len;
recnum = RECNUM++;
key = aKey;
len = [aKey length];
if ( len >= BTKeySize ) {
len = BTKeySize - 1;
strncpy( kstr, [aKey cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding], len);
kstr[len] = '\0';
return self;
- (void)dealloc
NSLog( @"called dealloc in ACBKey" );
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *) description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"len =%02d\nrecnum=%04d\nkey=%@\n", [key length], recnum, key];
@implementation ACBTree
@synthesize dict;
@synthesize lnode;
@synthesize rnode;
@synthesize keys;
@synthesize btNodes;
@synthesize lnodeid;
@synthesize rnodeid;
@synthesize nodeid;
@synthesize nodeType;
@synthesize numkeys;
@synthesize numrecs;
@synthesize updtd;
@synthesize keylen;
@synthesize kidx;
+ (ACBTree *) newNodeWithDictionary:(AMutableDictionary *)theDict
return [[ACBTree alloc] initWithDictionary:theDict];
- (id)initWithDictionary:(AMutableDictionary *)theDict
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
dict = theDict;
nodeid = theDict.nxt_nodeid++;
keys = keyArray;
btNodes = btNodeArray;
if ( nodeid == 0 ) {
numkeys = 0;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
NSLog( @"called dealloc in ACBTree" );
[super dealloc];
- (ACBTree *)createnode:(ACBKey *)kp
ACBTree *tmp;
tmp = [ACBTree newNodeWithDictionary:dict];
tmp.nodeType = nodeType;
tmp.lnode = self;
tmp.rnode = self.rnode;
self.rnode = tmp;
//tmp.btNodes[0] = self;
//tmp.keys[0] = kp;
tmp.updtd = YES;
tmp.numrecs = ((nodeType == LEAF)?1:numrecs);
updtd = YES;
tmp.numkeys = 1;
[tmp retain];
- (ACBTree *)deletekey:(NSString *)dkey
ACBKey /* *del, */ *dkp;
ACBTree *told, *sNode;
BOOL mustRelease = NO;
if ( [dkey isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ) {
dkp = [ACBKey newKeyWithKStr:dkey];
mustRelease = YES;
else if ( [dkey isKindOfClass:[ACBKey class]] )
dkp = (ACBKey *)dkey;
@throw [IllegalArgumentException newException:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Don't understand this key:\"%@\"", dkey]];
sNode = [self search:dkp.key];
if ( sNode == nil || [sNode searchnode:dkp.key match:YES] == FAILURE ) {
if ( mustRelease ) [dkp release];
told = dict.root;
/* del = */[self internaldelete:dkp];
/* check for shrink at the root */
if ( numkeys == 1 && nodeType != LEAF ) {
told = btNodes[0];
told.nodeid = 1;
told.updtd = YES;
dict.root = told;
if (debug == 'd') [self printtree];
if ( mustRelease ) [dkp release];
/** insertKey is the insertion entry point
* It determines if the key exists in the tree already
* it calls internalInsert to determine if the key already exists in the tree,
* and returns the node to be updated
- (ACBTree *)insertkey:(ACBKey *)kp value:(id)value
ACBTree *tnew, *q;
NSInteger h, nodeNum;
tnew = self;
q = [self internalinsert:kp value:value split:&h];
/* check for growth at the root */
if ( q != nil ) {
tnew = [[ACBTree newNodeWithDictionary:dict] retain];
tnew.nodeType = BTNODE;
nodeNum = tnew.nodeid;
tnew.nodeid = 0;
self.nodeid = nodeNum;
[tnew insert:self.keys[numkeys-1] value:self index:0 split:&h];
[tnew insert:q.keys[q.numkeys-1] value:q index:1 split:&h];
tnew.numrecs = self.numrecs + q.numrecs;
tnew.lnodeid = self.nodeid;
tnew.rnodeid = self.rnodeid;
self.rnodeid = tnew.nodeid;
tnew.lnode = self;
tnew.rnode = self.rnode;
self.rnode = tnew;
/* affected by nodeid swap */
// newnode.lnodeid = tnew.btNodes[0].nodeid;
//dict.root = t;
- (ACBTree *)search:(NSString *)kstr
NSInteger i, ret;
NSInteger srchlvl = 0;
ACBTree *t;
t = self;
if ( self.numkeys == 0 && self.nodeType == LEAF )
return nil;
while (t != nil) {
for (i = 0; i < t.numkeys; i++) {
ret = [t.keys[i].key compare:kstr];
if ( ret >= 0 ) {
if ( t.nodeType == LEAF ) {
if ( ret == 0 ) return (t); /* node containing keyentry found */
else return nil;
else {
if ( t.nodeType == BTNODE ) t = t.btNodes[i];
else {
t = nil;
return(nil); /* entry not found */
* calling parameters --
* BKEY PTR for key to search for.
* TYPE for exact match(YES) or position(NO)
* returns -- i
* i == FAILURE when match required but does not exist.
* i == t.numkeys if no existing insertion branch found.
* otherwise i == insertion branch.
- (NSInteger)searchnode:(NSString *)kstr match:(BOOL)match
NSInteger i, ret;
for ( i = 0; i < numkeys; i++ ) {
ret = [keys[i].key compare:kstr];
if ( ret >= 0 ) { /* key node found */
if ( ret == 0 && match == NO ) {
return FAILURE;
else if ( ret > 0 && match == YES ) {
return FAILURE;
if ( i == numkeys && match == YES ) {
- (ACBKey *)internaldelete:(ACBKey *)dkp
NSInteger i, nkey;
__strong ACBKey *del = nil;
ACBTree *tsb;
NSInteger srchlvl = 0;
/* find deletion branch */
if ( self.nodeType != LEAF ) {
/* search for end of tree */
i = [self searchnode:dkp.key match:NO];
del = [btNodes[i] internaldelete:dkp];
/* if not LEAF propagate back high key */
tsb = btNodes[i];
nkey = tsb.numkeys - 1;
/*** the bottom of the tree has been reached ***/
else { /* set up deletion ptrs */
if ( [self delfrmnode:dkp] == SUCCESS ) {
if ( numkeys < BTHNODESIZE+1 ) {
del = dkp;
else {
del = nil;
dkp.recnum = nodeid;
/*** indicate deletion to be done ***/
if ( del != nil ) {
/*** the key in "del" has to be deleted from in present node ***/
if ( btNodes[i].numkeys >= BTHNODESIZE+1 ) {
/* node does not need balancing */
del = nil;
self.keys[i] = tsb.keys[nkey];
else { /* node requires balancing */
if ( i == 0 ) {
[self rotateright:0];
self.btNodes[0] = tsb;
} else if ( i < numkeys-1 ) { /* look to the right first */
if ( self.btNodes[i+1].numkeys > BTHNODESIZE+1 ) { /* carry from right */
[self borrowright:i];
else { /* merge present node with right node */
[self mergenode:i];
else { /* look to the left */
if ( i > 0 ) { /* carry or merge with left node */
if ( self.btNodes[i-1].numkeys > BTHNODESIZE+1 ) { /* carry from left */
[self borrowleft:i];
else { /*** merge present node with left node ***/
[self mergenode:i];
tsb = self.btNodes[i];
self.keys[i] = tsb.keys[nkey];
updtd = TRUE;
/** Search key kp on B-tree with root t; if found increment counter.
* otherwise insert an item with key kp in tree. If an ACBKey
* emerges to be passed to a lower level, then assign it to kp;
* h = "tree t has become higher"
- (ACBTree *) internalinsert:(ACBKey *)kp value:(id)value split:(NSInteger *)h
/* search key ins on node t^; h = false */
NSInteger i, ret;
ACBTree *q, *tmp;
for (i = 0; i < numkeys; i++) {
ret = [keys[i].key compare:kp.key];
if ( ret >= 0 ) {
if ( nodeType == LEAF && ret == 0 ) return (self); /* node containing keyentry found */
if ( nodeType == LEAF ) { /* key goes in this node */
q = [self insert:kp value:value index:i split:h];
else { /* nodeType == BTNODE */
/* key is not on this node */
q = [self.btNodes[i] internalinsert:kp value:value split:h];
if ( *h ) {
[self insert:kp value:q index:i split:h];
else {
tmp = self.btNodes[numkeys-1];
keys[numkeys-1] = tmp.keys[tmp.numkeys-1];
if ( i != numkeys-1 ) {
tmp = self.btNodes[i];
keys[i] = tmp.keys[tmp.numkeys-1];
updtd = YES;
} /* search */
return q;
/** Do the actual insertion or split and insert
* insert key to the right of t.keys[hi]
- (ACBTree *) insert:(ACBKey *)kp value:(id)value index:(NSInteger)hi split:(NSInteger *)h
ACBTree *b;
if ( numkeys < BTNODESIZE ) {
*h = NO;
[self rotateright:hi];
keys[hi] = kp;
btNodes[hi] = value;
updtd = YES;
//[kp retain];
return nil;
else { /* node t is full; split it and assign the emerging ACBKey to olditem */
b = [self splitnode:hi];
if ( hi <= BTHNODESIZE ) { /* insert key in left page */
[self rotateright:hi];
keys[hi] = kp;
btNodes[hi] = value;
else { /* insert key in right page */
if ( b.rnode == nil ) hi--;
[b rotateright:hi];
b.keys[hi] = kp;
b.btNodes[hi] = value;
numkeys = b.numkeys = BTHNODESIZE+1;
b.updtd = updtd = YES;
return b;
} /* insert */
- (void)borrowleft:(NSInteger)i
ACBTree *t0, *t1;
NSInteger nkey;
t0 = btNodes[i];
t1 = btNodes[i-1];
nkey = t1.numkeys-1;
[t0 insinnode:t1.keys[nkey] value:t1.btNodes[nkey]];
[t1 delfrmnode:t1.keys[nkey]];
keys[i-1] = t1.keys[nkey];
keys[i-1].recnum = t1.nodeid;
- (void)borrowright:(NSInteger)i
ACBTree *t0, *t1;
NSInteger nkey;
t0 = btNodes[i];
t1 = btNodes[i+1];
[t0 insinnode:t1.keys[0] value:t1.btNodes[0]];
[t1 delfrmnode:t1.keys[0]];
nkey = t0.numkeys - 1;
keys[i] = t0.keys[nkey];
keys[i].recnum = t0.nodeid;
- (NSInteger)delfrmnode:(ACBKey *)ikp
NSInteger j;
j = [self searchnode:ikp.key match:YES];
if (j == FAILURE) {
ACBKey *k0 = nil;
ACBTree *n0 = nil;
if ( self.nodeType == LEAF ) {
k0 = self.keys[j];
n0 = self.btNodes[j];
[self rotateleft:j];
numrecs -= ((self.nodeType == LEAF)?1:btNodes[j].numrecs);
if ( k0 ) [k0 release];
if ( n0 ) [n0 release];
updtd = TRUE;
- (NSInteger)insinnode:(ACBKey *)ikp value:(id)value
NSInteger j;
j = [self searchnode:ikp.key match:NO];
[self rotateright:j];
keys[j] = ikp;
btNodes[j] = value;
if ( nodeType == LEAF ) {
else {
numrecs += btNodes[j].numrecs;
updtd = TRUE;
- (void)mergenode:(NSInteger)i
ACBTree *t0, *t1, *tr;
NSInteger j, k, nkeys;
t0 = btNodes[i];
t1 = btNodes[i+1];
/*** move keys and pointers from
t1 node to t0 node ***/
for (j=t0.numkeys, k=0; j < BTNODESIZE && k < t1.numkeys; j++, k++) {
t0.keys[j] = t1.keys[k];
t0.btNodes[j] = t1.btNodes[k];
t0.numrecs += t1.numrecs;
t0.rnode = t1.rnode;
t0.rnodeid = t1.rnodeid;
t0.updtd = YES;
nkeys = t0.numkeys - 1;
keys[i] = t0.keys[nkeys]; /* update key to point to new high key */
[self rotateleft:i+1]; /* copy over the keys and nodes */
t1.nodeType = -1;
if (t1.rnodeid != 0xffff && i < numkeys - 2) {
tr = btNodes[i+1];
tr.lnodeid = t0.nodeid;
tr.lnode = t0;
tr.updtd = YES;
updtd = YES;
- (ACBTree *)splitnode:(NSInteger)idx
ACBTree *t1;
NSInteger j, k;
/*** create new node ***/
// checknode(l, t, k);
t1 = [ACBTree newNodeWithDictionary:dict];
t1.nodeType = nodeType;
t1.rnode = self.rnode;
self.rnode = t1;
t1.lnode = self;
self.updtd = t1.updtd = YES;
/*** move keys and pointers ***/
NSInteger i = 0;
for (j = k; j < BTNODESIZE; j++, i++ ) {
t1.keys[i] = keys[j];
t1.btNodes[i] = btNodes[j];
t1.numrecs += ((nodeType == LEAF) ? 1 : btNodes[j].numrecs);
numrecs -= ((nodeType == LEAF) ? 1 : btNodes[j].numrecs);
keys[j] = nil;
btNodes[j] = nil;
t1.numkeys = BTNODESIZE-k;
self.numkeys = k;
freetree(l, t)
FIDB *l;
ACBTree *t;
ACBTree *tmp;
NSInteger i;
if (dict.root == nil) return(SUCCESS);
if (t.nodeid == 1) {
srchlvl = 0;
else srchlvl++;
for (i = 0; i < t.numkeys; i++) {
tmp = t.btNodes[i];
if (tmp != nil) {
if (tmp.nodeType == LEAF) {
free(tmp); /* free the leaf */
if (tmp == l.rrnode) {
l.rrnode = nil;
t.btNodes[i] = nil;
/* putpage(l, l.chknode, 0);
else {
freetree(l, tmp); /* continue up the tree */
srchlvl--; /* decrement the srchlvl on return */
free(t); /* free the node entered with */
if (t == l.rrnode) {
l.rrnode = nil;
/* putpage(l, l.chknode, 0);
t = nil;
- (void) notfound:(ACBKey *)kp
/* error routine to perform if entry was expected and not found */
- (void)printtree:(ACBTree *)t
BYTE *str;
NSInteger i, j;
NSUInteger *pdate, *ptime;
syslst = stdprn;
if ( t.nodeid == 1 ) {
srchlvl = 0;
else srchlvl++;
for (j = 0; j < t.numkeys; j++) {
checknode(l, t, j);
if ( t.btNodes[j] != nil ) [self printtree:t.btNodes[j]];
NSLog(@"Nodeid = %d, nodeType = %s, numkeys = %d, numrecs = %d\n",
t.nodeid, (t.nodeType == BTNODE)?@"NODE":@"LEAF", t.numkeys, t.numrecs);
NSLog(@"Left nodeid = %d, Right nodeid = %d\n", t.lnodeid, t.rnodeid);
for (i = 0; i < t.numkeys; i++) {
NSLog(@" t.keys[%d] recnum = %d, keyval = %@",
i, t.keys[i].recnum, t.keys[i]);
str = t.keys[i].kstr;
pdate = (NSUInteger *) (str + 6);
ptime = (NSUInteger *) (str + 8);
NSLog(@" date = %04.4x, time = %04.4x\n",
*pdate, *ptime);
- (BOOL)puttree:(ACBTree *)t
NSInteger i;
if (t.nodeType != LEAF) {
for (i = 0; i < t.numkeys; i++) {
if ( t.btNodes[i] != nil ) puttree(l, t.btNodes[i]);
if ( t.updtd ) {
putnode(l, t, t.nodeid);
/** ROTATELEFT -- rotate keys from right to the left
* starting at position j
- (void)rotateleft:(NSInteger)j
while ( j+1 < numkeys ) {
keys[j] = keys[j+1];
btNodes[j] = btNodes[j+1];
/** ROTATERIGHT -- rotate keys to the right by 1 position
* starting at the last key down to position j.
- (void)rotateright:(NSInteger)j
NSInteger k;
for ( k = numkeys; k > j; k-- ) {
keys[k] = keys[k-1];
btNodes[k] = btNodes[k-1];
keys[j] = nil;
btNodes[j] = nil;
- (NSInteger) keyWalkLeaves
NSInteger i, idx = 0;
NSInteger keycnt;
ACBTree *t;
if ( self != dict.root ) {
return 0; // maybe I need to throw an exception here
t = self;
self.dict.data = [[NSMutableData dataWithLength:(numkeys * sizeof(id))] retain];
self.dict.ptrBuffer = [self.dict.data mutableBytes];
while ( t != nil && t.nodeType != LEAF ) {
t = t.btNodes[0];
do {
keycnt = t.numkeys;
for ( i = 0; i < keycnt; i++ ) {
if ( t.btNodes[i] != nil ) {
dict.ptrBuffer[idx++] = (id) t.keys[i].key;
t = t.rnode;
} while ( t != nil );
return( idx );
- (NSInteger) objectWalkLeaves
NSInteger i, idx = 0;
NSInteger keycnt;
ACBTree *t;
if ( self != dict.root ) {
return 0; // maybe I need to throw an exception here
t = self;
self.dict.data = [[NSMutableData dataWithLength:(numrecs * sizeof(id))] retain];
self.dict.ptrBuffer = [self.dict.data mutableBytes];
while ( t != nil && t.nodeType != LEAF ) {
t = t.btNodes[0];
do {
keycnt = t.numkeys;
for ( i = 0; i < keycnt; i++ ) {
if ( t.btNodes[i] != nil ) {
dict.ptrBuffer[idx++] = (id) t.btNodes[i];
t = t.rnode;
} while ( t != nil );
return( idx );
- (NSString *) description
NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:16];
NSInteger i;
for (i = 0; i < numkeys; i++ ) {
[str appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"key[%d]=%@", i, [keys[i] description]]];
for (i = 0; i < numkeys; i++ ) {
[str appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"btnodes[%d]=%@\n", i, [btNodes[i] description]]];
return str;