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hmz007 6d24f2138b
Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56)
3 years ago
android/src/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/json Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
docs/javadoc Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
release-notes Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
src Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
.gitattributes Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
.gitignore Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
.travis.yml Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
Android.bp Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
LICENSE Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
METADATA Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
MODULE_LICENSE_APACHE2 Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
OWNERS Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
README.md Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
create-test-report.sh Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago
pom.xml Rockchip Anroid12_SDK 20220721-rkr10 (e1522e56) 3 years ago



This project contains core low-level incremental ("streaming") parser and generator abstractions used by Jackson Data Processor. It also includes the default implementation of handler types (parser, generator) that handle JSON format. The core abstractions are not JSON specific, although naming does contain 'JSON' in many places, due to historical reasons. Only packages that specifically contain word 'json' are JSON-specific.

This package is the base on which Jackson data-binding package builds on. It is licensed under Apache License 2.0. For additional/alternative licensing questions, please contact info@fasterxml.com: affordable commercial licenses available for use cases like Android app development.

Alternate data format implementations (like Smile (binary JSON), XML, CSV) and CBOR also build on this base package, implementing the core interfaces, making it possible to use standard data-binding package regardless of underlying data format.

Project contains versions 2.0 and above: source code for earlier (1.x) versions is available from Codehaus SVN repository.

Build Status Maven Central Javadoc Coverage Status

Get it!


Functionality of this package is contained in Java package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.

To use the package, you need to use following Maven dependency:


or download jars from Maven repository or links on Wiki. Core jar is a functional OSGi bundle, with proper import/export declarations.

Package has no external dependencies, except for testing (which uses JUnit).


For non-Maven use cases, you download jars from Central Maven repository or Wiki.

Core jar is also a functional OSGi bundle, with proper import/export declarations, so it can be use on OSGi container as is.

Use it!


Usage typically starts with creation of a reusable (and thread-safe, once configured) JsonFactory instance:

JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();
// configure, if necessary:

Alternatively, you have a ObjectMapper (from Jackson Databind package) handy; if so, you can do:

JsonFactory factory = objectMapper.getFactory();

Usage, simple reading

All reading is by using JsonParser (or its sub-classes, in case of data formats other than JSON), instance of which is constructed by JsonFactory.

An example can be found from Reading and Writing Event Streams

Usage, simple writing

All writing is by using JsonGenerator (or its sub-classes, in case of data formats other than JSON), instance of which is constructed by JsonFactory:

An example can be found from Reading and Writing Event Streams

Further reading

Differences from Jackson 1.x

Project contains versions 2.0 and above: source code for earlier (1.x) versions is available from Codehaus SVN repository

Note that the main differences compared to 1.0 core jar are:

  • Maven build instead of Ant
  • Annotations carved out to a separate package (that this package depends on)
  • Java package is now com.fasterxml.jackson.core (instead of org.codehaus.jackson)